Phiren Amenca

Social Circus Exchange – Barcelona, 9-16 January 2017


Our Circus Performance in Sant Roc

…balance, happiness, trusting, fears, limits, curiosity… and I could continue the list…

The list of words what came to my mind connected to the Social Circus International Program organised by Kali Zor in Barcelona between 9-16th of January, 2017. Participants were Roma and non Roma youngsters from Italy, Hungary, Romania and Spain. The main goal of this one week seminar was to teach us practical things about Social Circus what we could use our every-days’ work with youngsters. Besides the technical instructions the trainers gave us such a strong emotional implement, which made us to believe in ourselves and trust each other. By the end of the week we made together a short Circus performance for 300 kids of Sant Roc, Roma neighbourhood in Barcelona.


“Tu eres gitana?” – Preparing for the show

We put a smile on the face of those kids, what made us sure about the feeling; it was really worth to work. In addition, it was a special experience for Spanish Roma kids to meet Roma people from other countries.

This exchange thought us how could we create strong relations between the members of a given community, starting with getting to know ourselves and trusting each other. The trainers emphasised the importance of self-knowledge in the case of those people who work with communities. We got a lot of help in being able to believe that we can always improve ourselves and what is more important: by our own progression we are able to make other people to believe in themselves and build together a real community.

We, the 6 Hungarian participants could take part in this seminar by Phiren Amenca, and all of us are working or having connections with young Roma communities. Returning home we will make our bests to use these experiences in our work.


Gergye Eszter


Our group with some kids in Sant Roc after the performance