Phiren Amenca


A Toolkit to Counter Online Hate Speech and Hurtful Speech against Vulnerable Groups

This toolkit contains descriptions of activities developed for workshops and training events organized with  civil society actors, local-level decision-makers and media workers within the two-year project entitled ‘CHAD: Countering Hate Speech and Hurtful Speech against Diversity: Roma, LGBTIQ, Jewish, and

March 24, 2024

Youth Against Antigypsyism – Roma youth participation in mainstream youth structures research

This research, entitled the “Roma Youth Participation in Mainstream Youth Structures” sheds light on the current state of Roma participation in mainstream youth organizations. The research aimed to assess whether national youth councils involved Roma youth organizations or individuals among

December 20, 2023

Phiren Amenca Annual Report 2022

2022 was definitely a year to remember for many years to come. The war that broke out in February transformed and defined many things, including the lives of many of our friends and colleagues. Like the pandemic, this war has

January 31, 2023

Phiren Amenca Annual Report 2021

In 2021 Phiren Amenca developed national Roma youth platforms in several countries; published Europe-wide research related to Roma youth needs, challenges, and opportunities; developed a joint initiative between Jewish, Roma and Muslim organizations in Hungary and engaged with EU and

Roma refugees from Ukraine: a needs assessment

This needs assessment – based on interviews and focus group discussions complemented with desk research – was carried out between October and December 2022 to better understand the situation of Romani women refugees who fled Ukraine because of the war

January 28, 2023


This study was developed as part of the project “Combating online hate speech against religious groups and various vulnerable minority groups” and this is an important result of this program. The project was a joint activity of religious and non-governmental

April 19, 2022

Küzdelem a vallási és különböző sérülékeny kisebbségi csoportokkal szembeni online gyűlöletbeszéd ellen

Ez a tanulmánykötet a “Küzdelem a vallási és különböző sérülékeny kisebbségi csoportokkal szembeni online gyűlöletbeszéd ellen” projekt keretében jött létre, és ennek a programnak egy fontos eredménye. A projekt magyarországi vallási és civil szervezetek közös tevékenysége, amelynek célja az online

December 3, 2021

Phiren Amenca Annual Report 2020

The 2020 Annual Report of Phiren Amenca International Network features stories of young Roma and non-Roma volunteers engaging to challenge stereotypes and racism in Europe, insights from the diversity of seminars and projects of the network, with a specific emphasis

June 22, 2021

“Roma youth participation in Europe: Challenges, needs and opportunities” – Research findings

Phiren Amenca is pleased to share the findings of the recent research entitled “Roma youth participation in Europe: Challenges, needs and opportunities”. The research seeks to fill in an information gap about the situation of young Roma in the European

“Roma fiatalok szerepvállalása Európában: Kihívások, szükségletek, lehetőségek” – Kutatási eredmények

Az RGDTS és a Phiren Amenca örömmel osztja meg a „Roma fiatalok szerpvállalása Európában: kihívások, szükségletek és lehetőségek” elnevezésű hiánypótló kutatásának eredményeit a roma fiatalok helyzetével kapcsolatban az Európai Unióban. A kutatás három külön kiadványban jelent meg: (1) a roma

June 15, 2021