Phiren Amenca

Project Coordination Meeting II.

September 8, 2023 Budapest

On the 8tz of September, we held our second coordination meeting in the office of RGDTS, where representatives of RGDTS, Haver Foundation, Political Capital and Budapest Pride evaluated the past months and created a detailed timeline for the upcoming activities of the CHAD project.

After an official welcome and agreeing on the agenda of the meeting, each organization shared their updates and plans for the near future, after a busy summer period.

Budapest Pride started with sharing about their summer events, including the Pride Festival, and the Pride March, their presence at the Sziget Festival and foreign events they attended.

Haver Foundation had big news, as they elected a new director who just started her work. She is still in the process of the handover, so this meeting was of extreme importance for her.

Political Capital has a new colleague, who is interested in this project, so she is planning to take part at the meetings and the events to be organized within the project’s framework.

RGDTS also had a busy summer with an international festival of 150 young Roma and non-Roma visiting Hungary for a cultural exchange.

The next part of the meeting was about the work packaes. Each organisation gave an extensive summary of what has already been done wihin each one, and everyone had the chance to evaluate the activities. The tasks and deliverables were discussed one-by-one.

After lunch, future plans were dicussed in detail: a timeline of activities was created, and ways of cooperating in organizing the different activites were agreed upon.

For September, a video-campaign is planned by Budapest Pride, and a national conference about hate speech will be organized by Political Capital.

In October, the next working group meeting will be held about hate speech in election campaigns by Political Capital.

November promises to be busy in terms of project activities: the counter-narrative campaign continues (Budapest Pride); a training will be held for Hungarian decision-makers and another one for journalists and media-workers, as well as one for civil society representatives (Haver).

In Decemer, another working group meeting is planned about artificial intelligence and its role in spreading, but also in countering hate speech.

2024 will start with a big, international conference of three days analysing different aspects of hate speech, in January. Then, in February and March two more working group meetings will be held, and the policy recommendations will be finalized by Political Capital; a toolkit will be published and an international training will be organized by Haver Foundaion.

The „CHAD – Countering Hate Speech and Hurtful Speech against Diversity: Roma, LGBTIQ, Jewish and Migrant Communities” project (project nr. 101049309) is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the DG Justice, European Commission and coordinated by RGDTS Nonprofit Llc. in partnership with Haver Informal Educational Foundation, Rainbow Mission Foundation and Political Capital. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.