Phiren Amenca International Network published its Annual Report for the year 2014.
2014 was a successful year in which many young Roma and non-Roma participated in our programs. We continued the elaboration of our long-term strategy and took our structural development to a new level. The year started well, with the first Phiren Amenca volunteer seminar on gender and intersectionality and a Networking Meeting in the same week, which gave the opportunity to the participants of both meetings to meet and to interact with each other. These spring events marked the starting point for our network to develop an intersectional concept enabling us to become aware of multiple-discrimination and thereby become more inclusive. The Networking Meeting opened the doors to successful new partnerships, as we welcomed seven new member organizations – a sign that our work is attracting attention and interest. Almost all of them are already hosting volunteers.
Phiren Amenca has organized and participated in a growing number of international activities, including the European Youth Event of the European Parliament and the Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative. A main focus in the last year was to strengthen our work on human rights education, especially related to the Roma Genocide and we will continue to elaborate a substantial concept connecting human rights education, remembrance and voluntary service.
Further, since March 2014 we have a new board consisting of five people. In 2014 we also completed the legal formalization in Brussels successfully, which opens up new possibilities for the future. Our programs are expanding and developing more focus at the same time, so we are proud of our achievements in this year and positive for future possibilities and partnerships.