Phiren Amenca

Jelentkezés önkéntesek és facilitátorok számára – Nemzetközi Roma Holokauszt Megemlékezés Krakkóban és Auschwizt-Birkenauban, 2016 augusztus 1-5.


Call for volunteers and facilitators from Hungary for the “Dikh he na Bister” Youth Event around Roma Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 in Krakow!

Around the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day on 2 August 2016, we gather about 350 young Roma and non-Roma from across Europe in Krakow and Auschwitz-Birkenau in the unique youth event “Dikh he na bister” (Look and don’t forget). The Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative aims at raising awareness among young Europeans, civil society and decision-makers about the Roma Genocide, as well as about the mechanisms of antigypsyism in a challenging context of rising racism, hate speech and extremism in Europe. With this initiative Roma youth advocates for the official recognition of 2 August as the Roma Holocaust Memorial Day to pay homage to the victims, heroes, survivors, and strengthen the identity based on the deep knowledge of the past.

Read details about the event here:


– Facilitators: We invite people with experience in facilitation and training in human rights and holocaust education to join the event as facilitators. The facilitators will build the learning process with one group of 15-20 participants from the beginning until the end.

– Volunteers: We invite previous participants of “Dikh he na bister” to join the event as volunteers making this a wonderful event for everybody. There is also an option to translate during the workshops for 4-5 Hungarian participants.

Please write to [email protected] if you are interested!


Márton Neményi (Auschwitz-Birkenau 2014)