Phiren Amenca

Statement by Israel Mercader, Spain | Dikh He Na Bister 2020

On the occasion of August 2, Roma Holocaust Memorial Day 2020, young Roma and non-Roma people are sharing their messages about the importance of remembrance, challenging antigypsyism and youth activism.

Statement by Israel Mercader, Spain: “This video is to commemorate one of the most tragic events against Roma people. 2nd of August remembers all Roma victims who were persecuted and murdered due to the Racial Laws made by the Nazi regime. We, Roma, are people with many social difficulties as for example access to a decent basic education which we could learn how to read and how to write. Consequently of this is that our history has not been documented by ourselves, Roma. Unfortunately, our history is a forgotten history and it does not have the place it deserves within history. The commemoration is to remember all the Roma victims who had to endure pain and suffering just because they were Roma. These victims deserve to be remembered and honoured. I believe that it is essential to become aware of this fact by teaching in schools that the Roma were also victims of Nazism and an attempt at racial and cultural extermination. It is important to raise awareness among young people so that through the history of the Roma they can combat racism and discrimination.”

This video campaign is part of the Roma Youth Voices Project, coordinated by Phiren Amenca and funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the DG Justice, European Commission.