Phiren Amenca

Statement by Sarai Sánchez, Spain | Dikh He Na Bister 2020

people are sharing their messages about the importance of remembrance, challenging antigypsyism and youth activism.

Statement by Sarai Sánchez, Spain: “Hello, my name is Sarai Sánchez and I’m a Roma woman and I am 17 years old. I think it’s very important that the 2nd of August because it is the International Roma Genocide Day. That day in 1944 more than 4000 Roma who were in the Gypsy Camp at Auschwitz Birkenau were gassed to death. Roma victims have been silenced and made invisible during decades. In fact, the first official recognition was in 1982 by the government of Germany. I think this part of history should be taught in schools because it is also part of the European and Spanish history and not telling the history of the Roma is like not telling the history of a country. We should visibilise the Roma genocide because doing so we remember and pay tribute to all the Roma victims murdered.”

This video campaign is part of the Roma Youth Voices Project, coordinated by Phiren Amenca and funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the DG Justice, European Commission.