Phiren Amenca

DO YOU STEP IN? – Manual for combating hate speech and antigypsyism online and offline


Phiren Amenca International Network works to challenge discrimination, racism and antigypsyism through its activities at all levels. The specific topic for this publication, hate speech, was chosen because of its significant effect especially on the lives of young Roma. In the European context, Roma and LGBTQIA+ communities are primary targets of hate speech, not only on racist websites, but also in mainstream and social media and in political communication.

With this publication, we would like to support Roma and non-Roma organizations and activists to better understand, recognize and effectively react when they encounter hate speech. 

This publication includes background information on the concept, non-formal educational methods, tips and tricks to use with young Roma and non-Roma people on how to be active against hate speech. At the end of the publication a glossary helps readers to understand the different concepts and terms which could support building discourses and activism against hate speech.

To request a pdf version and/or a hardcopy of the manual, please email us at [email protected].

The publication was created as part of the Roma Youth Voices project, coordinated by Phiren Amenca and funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme (2014-2020) of the DG Justice, European Commission.

The content of this publication represents the views of the authors only and is Phiren Amenca’s sole responsibility. The European Commission does not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.