Phiren Amenca

Open Call for Young Volunteers: Voluntary Service in France


(Magyar nyelvű összefoglaló táblázat a lap alján!)

Deadline: Until filled

VISA-AD currently opened a call for applications for young volunteers with residence in Hungary between 18 and 30 to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EVS) project in France. The project offers diverse learning and service opportunities. The volunteers engages weekly around 35 hours.

About the hosting organization…

The voluntary service will take place at the children home “Sauvegarde de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence” in Valence. The project is coordinated by VISA ad.

The missions of “Sauvegarde de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence” are:

• to protect, assist and educate children, teenagers and young adults in difficulty or in danger for any reason

• to aware the public opinion of the problems of these young people in order to promote their development and their social integration

• to encourage their expression and facilitate their communication with their environment

• to create, manage and develop the facilities and services to fulfil those missions

• to participate in the consultative bodies set up by the authorities on all projects which could improve the protection of children and adolescents at risk.

Geographical situation:

The Children home is situated in Valence in southeaster France. The city counts around 100 000 inhabitants.

Valence is the capital of the Drôme department and is situated on the left bank of the Rhône, about 100 kilometres south of Lyon. It lies between Ardèche and Vercors mountains. Right at the south of Valence begins the Provence region.

Valence has beautiful monuments such as the Maison des Têtes (16th century), the Saint-Apollinaire Cathedral (11th century) and also the monumental fountain (19th century). The city has many historical monuments, most of which are in Vieux Valence.

Located in the heart of the “Rhône river corridor”, Valence is often referred to as “the door to the South of France”. Axes of transport and communications are the A7 and A49 highways, Paris/Marseille TGV line, as well as the Rhône. In addition, the Valence agglomeration is equipped with a marina, a trading port and two railway stations (Valence-Ville and Valence-TGV).


About the project…

The volunteer will accompany the children in their everyday life and will contribute to their autonomy by creating social connections. He will accompany the Home’s educators in their activities with the children.

The following activities will be offered to the volunteer:

  • helping out the children with their homework
  • participating in organizing leisure activities: sports activities, do-it-yourself or recreational activities on the children’s initiative of the children, preparation of celebrations and birthday parties.
  • participating in organizing cultural outings and excursions
  • participating in organizing camping trips and holiday activity centres.

A part of the volunteer’s schedule will be dedicated to the children’s accompaniment:

  • Taking the children to school, to the doctor’s or to associations and sports clubs
  • Sharing meals and afternoon snacks with the children
  • Assisting the children at bedtime
  • being mindful of the child’s well-being and available to talk to him.


About the conditions of hosting…

The program encourages volunteers to express and to realize their own ideas and initiatives during the service. The program covers room, board, health insurance, and monthly pocket money. Volunteers will be provided with 3 support seminars in France during their service.

The call for applications is open for young volunteers between 18 and 30 years and residing in the UK. Volunteers must preferably speak basic French by the start of the voluntary service term. For further questions do not hesitate to contact us.



Send your motivation letter and your CV  to [email protected]

Duration: 10 months (September 2018 to June 2019)

VISA – L’ année diaconale, France is a French network of locally and nationally recognized institutions in the health, social and educational fields. Today their hosting members include Protestant or Catholic, as well as secular organizations. Visit for more info.

Ország/város Franciaország, Valence
Fogadó szervezet, kapcsolattartó Visa-AD, Lucie Rollinat: [email protected]
Tevékenység helye (intézmény) Sauvegarde de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence gyermekotthon
Valence a  Drôme régió székhelye és a  Rhône folyó bal partján helyezkedik el,Lyontól kb. 100 km-re délre. Hegyek között fekszik és Valence-től délre közvetlenül a Provence régió kezdődik.
Időtartam 10 hónap
Kezdő és végdátum 2018. szeptember-2019. június
Tevékenységek Az önkéntes a gyerekek mindennapi tevékenységeiben vesz részt:

–          segít a lecke megírásában

–          részt vesz a szabadidős tevékenységekben (sport, kézműves, ünnepségek előkészítése, stb.)

–          részt vesz a kirándulásokon és azok szervezésében

–          kempingtúrákat és táborokat szervez

–          elkíséri a gyerekeket az iskolába, orvoshoz, különórákra

–          kiosztja az ételt a gyerekeknek

–          segíti a gyerekeket a lefekvés körüli teendőkben

–          a gyerekek rendelkezésére áll, ha azok beszélgetni, vagy játszani szeretnének, odafigyel a jóllétükre

Ezeken kívül az önkéntes egy saját maga által kitalált és megtervezett projektet is megvalósíthat az intézmény támogatásával.

Szállás típusa: Az otthon területén


–          magyarországi lakcím vagy tartózkodási hely

–          18 és 30 év közötti életkor

–          alap francia nyelvtudás (kivételekkel)

Biztosított feltételek

–          szállás

–          étkezés

–          egészség- és balesetbiztosítás

–          zsebpénz

–          3 tréning és önkéntestalálkozó Franciaországon belül

–          2 nemzetközi Phiren Amenca képzés

–          nyelvtanfolyam

Jelentkezés motivációs levél és önéletrajz elküldésével a [email protected] címen. Kérdéseiddel fordulj Daróczi Annához az [email protected], vagy Lucie Rollinat-hoz [email protected] címen