February 6 2023, Budapest
On the 6th of February, the first project coordination meeting was held in the office of RGDTS in Budapest to summarize and evaluate the progress made within the CHAD project in its first 10 months. Coordinators and colleagues of RGDTS, Budapest Pride and haver were present in person and colleagues of Political Capital joined the three-hour meeting online.
In the first part, each organization gave an update of their general work and organizational plans for the next few months, then we went through each of the work packages and summarized the progress made within them.
The monitoring process of online hate speech is coming to an end in the middle of February, and the report of the results can be expected by the middle of March, 2022. Partners agreed that in order to complement the raw data included in the report, RGDTS would conduct interviews with some of the volunteers about their experiences with the monitoring, and this would be added as an annex tot the report. Once the report is finished, a press release and possibly a press conference will be organized.
Within the capacity-building work package, Haver Foundation already organized its first training with the participation of community members and experts targeted by online hate speech, and the toolkit, and two more training event are to be organized by the end of the project period.

The work package of Budapest Pride/Rainbow Mission Foundation is supposed to commence with a training on developing counter- and alternative narratives in April.
Political Capital has already organized two international working group meetings online and third one is planned for later in February. The expert and activist members are motivated and enthusiastic about sharing their experiences and building coalitions for advocacy reasons and exchanging best practices as well as strategies which had not worked earlier.
In the final hour of the meeting, partners drew up a general timeline of the upcoming activities and discussed how they can support each other in producing the intended results.

The „CHAD – Countering Hate Speech and Hurtful Speech against Diversity: Roma, LGBTIQ, Jewish and Migrant Communities” project (project nr. 101049309) is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the DG Justice, European Commission and coordinated by RGDTS Nonprofit Llc. in partnership with Haver Informal Educational Foundation, Rainbow Mission Foundation and Political Capital. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.