Phiren Amenca Study Session for volunteers on March 16 until 22, 2014 in the European Youth Centre in Budapest

Phiren Amenca in cooperation with the Council of Europe Youth Department will offer a Study Session in Budapest, 2014.
Phiren Amenca will organize in cooperation with the Council of Europe Youth Department a study session in the European Youth Centre in Budapest in the time from March 16 until 22 with the title “Beyond Roma and Diversity – Phiren Amenca Study Session on Gender, Multiple Discrimination and Intersectionality “. The study session targets young Roma and non-Roma volunteers, former volunteers and youth activists. The encounter will enable 40 participants from over 10 countries to come together, to share experiences of their services and to work with methods of non-formal education on the theme of diversity, gender, multiple discrimination and intersectionality.
We encourage all volunteers and member and partner organizations of Phiren Amenca to SAVE THE DATE. The application and open call will be launched at the beginning of January 2014.
Phiren Amenca is a network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers and voluntary service organizations creating opportunities for non-formal education, dialouge and engagement in order to challenge stereotypes and racism. One of our aims is to develop relevant methods, tools and topics for young Roma and non-Roma volunteers acting as multipliers and human rights activists on the grassroots level. Also the study session will serve to further strengthen the network’s platform of volunteers and former volunteers, serving to strengthen their role as multipliers and promoters of voluntary service and engagement. In the past Phiren Amenca has already organized seminars and study sessions with a focus on Roma history and antigypsyism. We want to put these topics into a larger framework of human rights education and to connect them with other related topics such as gender. Therefore this study session will introduce the participants to an intersectional perspective on the one hand through a focus on the specific focus on the situation of Roma women and on the other hand through the connection to human rights.