EVS volunteers at the Phiren Amenca preparation seminar, September 2013.

Phiren Amenca’s first international volunteers´preparation seminar, September 2013
The first international volunteers´preparation seminar ran from 27-28th of September, 2013 in the Phiren Amenca office in Budapest. 10 Roma volunteers came together before their service to get information about EVS and the support system, to discuss about practical questions and to focus on intercultural learning, conflict resolution and future opportunities and fighting antigypsyism with Phiren Amenca. Our volunteers are going to start their service in October or in November in France, in Germany and in Italy.
The preparation seminar is set out to prepare our volunteers for their service. More specifically, participants learned about what to expect and what is expected of them, how to be prepared for the possible challenges and opportunities that will present themselves along the way. We enjoyed a wonderful group of motivated volunteers and we wish them all the best for the start of their service.
We will soon publish some of their experiences online.