In 2021 the Phiren Amenca International Network conducted a bigger research revealing that the most significant challenge for young Roma people all around Europe is not the typical transition from education to employment, but rather the persistent issue of antigypsyism. Shockingly, 95% of Roma youth have experienced discriminatory language, behaviour, and gestures directed at their community, with 68% encountering racism while attending educational institutions. This widespread antigypsyism and the lack of information about opportunities and platforms, hinder the participation of young Roma people in national youth policies and forums.
As a part of the Youth Against Antigypsyism project and the continous effort to tackle antigypsyism within mainstream youth structures, Phiren Amenca colleague and our researcher carried out an interactive session at the GA and COMEM of the European Youth Forum in Berlin on the concept of antigypsyism and its manifestations. Moreover, Simona Torotcoi presented the research to international youth NGOs and national youth councils on Roma youth participation at mainstream youth structures, which will be also published soon on our website.