Phiren Amenca

The European Boogie Man Complex – An Educational Toolkit

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Phiren Amenca presents

The European “Boogie Man” Complex:

Challenging Antigypsyism through Non-formal Education, an educational toolkit


Free PDF Download available here. For printed copies, write us at [email protected].

Phiren Amenca published together with the Youth Department of the Council of Europe an educational toolkit on challenging antigypsyism through non-formal education in the context of the Roma Youth Action Plan. The toolkit raises key issues such as the concept of antigypsyism, history and narratives about Roma, migration issues, and the challenge of comic books for Roma people.

Moreover, it provides several educational activities to challenge antigypsyism, for instance a resource-based workshop on Roma history narratives, a role-play of a stakeholders’ conference on the migration issue, and a discussion on minority strategies based on the X-Men comics/movie drawing parallels to Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X in the U.S. civil rights movement.


Report of the study session held by Phiren Amenca in co-operation with the European Youth Centre Budapest of the Council of Europe, October 2012

report edited by

Jonathan Mack

with contributions of

Markus End
Vicente Rodriguez Fernandez
Marietta Herfort
Astrid Oelpenich
Julianna Orsos
Richard Otterness
Anca-Ruxandra Pandea

design by

Quintin Bart

photographs by

Máté Balogh
Kristyna Balaban
