Among many civil society organizations, MEPs, National Roma Contact Points and International Organizations, Phiren Amenca was present at the workshop, organized by the European Commission, DG Justice and Consumers on the October 1. 2019 in Brussels.
The objectives of the seminar were: The mid-term evaluation of the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies concluded that despite many limitations and taking into account the massive task involved, the EU Framework has shown positive results and an initial change in trends. While the Framework’s ambition of “putting an end to the exclusion of Roma” has not yet been achieved, the evaluation clearly demonstrated its EU added value, in particular by putting Roma inclusion on the EU and national agendas.
The EU Framework comes to an end in 2020. Civil society organisations, the Council, the European Parliament as well as participants of events organised by the Austrian and the Romanian EU Presidency have already called on the Commission to prepare and present a specific EU Roma policy initiative for post-2020.
The discussions in the 1 October workshop on future policies for Roma therefore focused on forward-looking findings of the evaluation of the EU Framework as well as on options to address them in a potential post-2020 initiative.
The report summarising the workshops was published on the website of DG Justice and Consumers and can be found here.