Phiren Amenca

Welcome to Planet Paprika

Planet Paprika Group Photo

Participants of “Welcome to Planet Paprika” at the flashmob. Budapest, HU. April, 2012.


From April 15-21, 2012, nineteen Roma and non-Roma volunteers from across Europe and North America came to Budapest, Hungary for a special seminar supporting their voluntary service work in challenging stereotypes and racism. The participants are doing their voluntary service in Ukraine, Romania, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Serbia, Bulgaria, and Kosovo.

Each spring and fall Phiren Amenca hosts in cooperation with member organizations a one week seminar for current volunteers from around Europe focusing on the exchange of experience and on Roma history, discrimination, stigmatization, xenophobia, identity and culture; globalization and migration; as well as youth engagement and Roma initiatives in Europe.

Paprika Seminar 2012

Over the course of this week long seminar, several themes relevant to the volunteers’ work discussed in depth, including:

  • Narratives of Roma history, labels and identity, the Romani Holocaust
  • Stereotypes and romanticism in the public image and mass media
  • Poverty and Marginalization
  • Diversity in Romani cultures
  • Various organizations, stakeholders and actors relevant in the field of Roma inclusion
  • Platforms for youth engagement in challenging discrimination, xenophobia, and racism

In addition to the Phiren Amenca Coordination team, the seminar program featured special guests from

  • Open Society Institute – Youth Initiative,
  • ternYpe Magyarország -International Roma Youth Network, Hungary,
  • Romaversitas,
  • Holokauszt Emlékközpont – Budapest Holocaust Memorial Center,
  • Szemétálmok –Garbage Dreams
  • Hungarian Roma dance instructors and artists

For further information, see the Welcome to Planet Paprika – Summary Report



Paprika Flashmob


These citizens of “Planet Paprika” created a dance choreography to send their message of positive paprika vibrations out into the world.

Watch the video! […]



how to build a planetbuild a planet

Using entirely reclaimed materials and art supplies, the citizens of Planet Paprika worked together to create a sculpture of the kind of world we hope to live in.

Watch the video! […]



garbage dreamsgarbage dreams

the Phiren Amenca volunteers of Planet Paprika, with Szemétálmok – Garbage Dreams visited Budapest’s 10th District to collect reclaimed art supplies and make interviews […]



paprika special thanksspecial thanks

this unique international volunteer seminar would not have been such a success without these supporters!


