On the occasion of August 2, Roma Holocaust Memorial Day 2020, young Roma and non-Roma people are sharing their messages about the importance of remembrance, challenging antigypsyism and youth activism. Statement by Matthias Pfeifer, Austria: “Hello, my name is Matthias
On the occasion of August 2, Roma Holocaust Memorial Day 2020, young Roma and non-Roma people are sharing their messages about the importance of remembrance, challenging antigypsyism and youth activism. Statement by Aaron Moreno, Spain: “It is important to commemorate
On the occasion of August 2, Roma Holocaust Memorial Day 2020, young Roma and non-Roma people are sharing their messages about the importance of remembrance, challenging antigypsyism and youth activism. Statement by Aaron Cortes, Spain: “This video is to commemorate
Sajtóközlemény, 2020. július 31. A rasszizmus, az antiszemitizmus és a bármilyen nemű megkülönböztetés elutasításaként közszereplők, művészek, roma és nem roma származású fiatalok, aktivisták, és civil szervezetek képviselőinek részvételével, a vészkorszakban, koncetrációs táborokban meggyilkoltak neveinek 24 órán át tartó felolvasásával emlékeznek
“My advice to you is to keep active and lead the way. Your activism is very important for us, and we want you to be on board, we want you to be around the table when we are drafting our
Sajtóközlemény, 2020. július 26. A budapesti székhelyű Phiren Amenca Nemzetközi Hálózat és az RGDTS ebben az évben egy rendhagyó főhajtással emlékezik a vészkorszakban elpusztított roma származású embertársainkra, augusztus 2-a, a holokauszt roma áldozatainak nemzetközi emléknapja alkalmából. A figyelemfelkeltő, civil összefogáson
Press release, July 26. 2020. This year, RGDTS-Phiren Amenca commemorates those persons of Roma origin who were killed in the massacre, on occasion of August 2, that is commemorated on the International Day of Remembrance for the Roma Victims of
95 % of the respondents have observed and encountered discriminatory words, behaviours and gestures directed at Roma, while 68 % have encountered racism while attending schools/university. Only 34 % of the Roma Youth have benefited from Erasmus Plus while merely
Join us in standing in solidarity with Roma in times of crisis! Jewish Rights are Roma Rights and Roma Rights are Jewish Rights! CAMPAIGN OVERVIEW: In a joint call, initiated by the European Union of Jewish Students (EUJS) and Phiren
Ismael Cortés is a Spanish politician, a Congressman of the Spanish Parliament. He studied classical Spanish literature, cultural anthropology and philosophy at the University of Granada. He obtained his PhD from the Interuniversity Institute of Social Development and Peace at