Phiren Amenca


“Express yourself!“

Multi-artform exchange for young Roma and non Roma    “Express Yourself” Multi-artform exchange for young Roma and non Roma – Phiren Amenca youth exchange ran from August 16-25, 2014 in Normafa, Budapest. 30 Roma and non Roma young people came

September 23, 2014

Personal reflection about DIKH HE NA BISTER Roma Genocide Remembrance 2014

By Melinda Szabo The same as every year, this year Phiren Amenca and Ternype youth organizations organized, the Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative. We gathered this year 1.000 young people from various parts of Europe. I was surprised how uninformed the

„Manushengi Krisi” – National Human Rights Training Course

„Manushengi Krisi” – National Human Rights Training Course was organised by Phiren Amenca to develop the competences of young Roma and non Roma trainers and multipliers in non-formal education and to build a network of Roma and non Roma trainers and youth

September 17, 2014

Stop discrimination against young people!

European Youth Form | March 18, 2014 The European Youth Forum launches in-depth survey into multiple discrimination. The Youth Forum wants to tackle all forms of discrimination that young Europeans experience and so, in order to develop relevant policies and plan more

July 7, 2014

my first seminar experience with Phiren Amenca

“Beyond Roma and Diversity!” Study Session report by Phiren Amenca volunteer Melinda Szabó [hr] This seminar was my first seminar experience with Phiren Amenca! It was a good opportunity to learn new things about the seminar topics, such as discrimination and

June 9, 2014

How to change attitudes in our groups, communities and societies? (in order to challenge stereotypes and racism)

“Beyond Roma and Diversity!” Study Session report by Phiren Amenca volunteer Clémence Neyrat  To write this report I referred to some parts of the presentation of our trainers,  structured and completed with personal understanding.  I chose to focus on “attitude” because it

discrimination starts and ends with us

“Beyond Roma and Diversity!” Study Session report by Phiren Amenca volunteer Alexandra Bahor [hr] On the 17th of March our journey started in Budapest, where we were participants in the seminar, „Beyond Roma and Diversity: Phiren Amenca Study Session on Gender,

Remembering the Roma Genocide: National Training Course in Holocaust Education

by Phiren Amenca volunteer Alexandra Bahor Phiren Amenca in a co operation with Tom Lantos Institute and the March of the Living (Élet Menete Alapítvány) organized a one day pilot training course about the Roma Genocide, Remembrance and Education on the

May 30, 2014

European Youth Event 2014

by Phiren Amenca volunteer Alexandra Bahor Phiren Amenca, Ternype and Ergo Network participated in the European Youth Event 2014 from May 9 until May 11 in Strasbourg. We were twenty young Roma and non-Roma who had the same goal. We wanted

May 16, 2014

2nd Meeting of Platform of Former Volunteers in Budapest

From the 21st to the 23rd of March 2014, a group of devoted and motivated volunteers met in Budapest in order to create the new Volunteer Platform. During discussions and brain storms the idea of the platform took shape: Not

May 6, 2014