Deadline November 28, 2013

Amber Initiatives is a non- for- profit organisation. Its objective is to provide assistance to migrant workers working in the UK or those who plan to do so.
Amber Initiatives opened a call for applications for young Hungarian people to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Youth in Action program) project in Plymouth, United Kingdom. The 12 months lasting project offers diverse learning and service opportunities including national and international seminars. The project gives an opportunity to the volunteer to live and engage in the local community and projects in Plymouth in the time from March 2014 until March 2015.
The project aims to encourage mobility of young Europeans, intercultural learning and promote non-formal education as an effective way of learning and gaining new skills.
The project aims at stimulating people’s reflection on the prevention, ways out and consequences of social exclusion as well as benefits of volunteering as a way to increase employability and tackling unemployment.
The activities planned for the project aim at exploring the themes of active citizenship as a way to tackle social exclusion and intergenerational activities. The project will stimulate young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship.
The project will enable young people to interact with migrant workers community as well as local young people.
Tasks of the volunteer
There are opportunities for up to volunteers to be involved in a number of different areas of work of the organization. The volunteer will be involved in promotional activities (including development of e-platform for promotion of European mobility), in supporting migrant workers community in the settlement process and helping migrants to reduce barriers to successful integration, in preparation and implementation activities for children and young people and the volunteer will be responsible for little administration work.
Send your motivation letter, your CV and the Phiren Amenca application form until November 28, 2013 to Marietta Herfort at [email protected]
Application form
Download the Phiren Amenca Volunteer Application Form (PDF) here
Beginning of the project
between 06/03/2014 and 06/03/2015
12 months
Project in EVS Database
Description of the hosting organization
Amber Initiatives was formed in 2005 to provide a practical advice and advocacy service for newly arrived migrant workers from Eastern Europe. The mission of Amber is to contribute to society through assisting migrant worker communities and the host community. The organisation is part of the professional sector that works with and supports multiculturalism, immigration and integration, with strong links to statutory bodies and other support structures. Amber Initiatives is undergo specific activities in their Amber Youth Club for young migrant people to support their informal learning and their integration into the communities they live in. In order to give the opportunity to young people from migrant backgrounds, to empower themselves, as a group and as an individual, this specific target group needs specific support and methods. As their client base also involves Roma people we also have a intent focus on diversity awareness and anti-discriminatory approaches to work with young people, particularly those of fewer opportunities.
Description of the sending organization
Phiren Amenca is a network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers and voluntary service organizations creating opportunities for non-formal education, dialogue and engagement, in order to challenge stereotypes and racism. We aim to specifically facilitate the access of young people with fewer opportunities and especially young Roma who had more limited access to benefit from the European Voluntary Service. We bring young Roma and non-Roma volunteers in Roma projects and communities, together through seminars and meetings to create intercultural dialogue and a common engagement for respect and an inclusive society. We strive to promote the value of volunteering and active citizenship, and advocate for the recognition of voluntary service and non-formal education also within policies and strategies targeting Roma communities and social inclusion.