Phiren Amenca


The “Combatting Hate Speech on Social Media and Better Media Relations with the News Media: Online Training for French civil society” took part in May 2020.

The training included six modules and the modules were split to three days:

Day 1 – May 11, 2020 15:00-18:30

Module 1: Media Relations for CSOs and activists Countering Hate Speech and Religious/Ethnic Intolerance – Engaging and understanding both traditional and online news media. This session looked at the role of the journalists and the media (globally and in France). We covered how to prepare for communication with the media and what to expect from journalists as a CSO, activist. The session provided practical tips and techniques for giving interviews, writing press releases, organizing briefings, Zoom webinars, how to promote CSOs’ goals, activities and actions both in the mainstream media and online. This session explained and offered some practical answers on how to amplify the message of the CSOs, activists working on countering hate speech, their peculiarities and sensitive nature of CSOs’ and activists’ work.

Module 2: Hate Speech on Social Media and How to Fight It – This session focused on the main concepts and techniques used to spread hate surrounding ethnic or religious intolerance on major social media platforms. We discussed what online hate is. This session introduced the Community Standards of all relevant social media networks such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The typical examples of hate speech that can be found online was explained, what breaks community standards, how to file a report to social media platforms and what to expect from them. Part of the discussion focused on what Trusted Flagger Status is and why to engage with social media platforms.

Day 2 – May 18, 2020. 15:00-18:15

Module 3: Media Relations for CSOs and activists Part II – Engaging and understanding traditional and online media module was continued in this session. Each participant took part in the module by providing examples of everyday work and challenges they come across.

Module 4: Hate Speech on Social Media Part II – Every participant could find and deal with the examples of hate speech and incidents that have been found on social media by implementing some of the techniques and tools presented in Module 3. For each of the ‘hate-spread concepts’ dealt with in the first part, this session offered the solutions and counter-tools.

Day 3 – May 25, 2020. 15:00-18:15

Module 5: Media Campaigning and Different Ways of Responding to Hate Speech – This session dealt with different types of responses and countering hate speech online. It explored and formulated some of the potential counter narratives to discriminatory and hateful content. It explained when and how to employ different strategies in combatting hate speech in different situations.

Module 6: Media Campaigning Online – This session looked at how to use social media as an advocacy tool. It introduced different types of resources and it explained specific content creation for social media and techniques for its promotion and dissemination.  

The training was organized by RGDTS in co-operation with Romano Centro as part of the Roma Youth Voices project, funded by the Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme of the DG Justice, European Commission.