Phiren Amenca

Networking Meeting Slovakia

January 26. 2020. Valaska, Slovakia

Networking meeting in Slovakia during the third week in January, brought together over 20 young people. Information about the meeting and selection of participants had been done with help of partner NGOs and Roma activists. 

The purpose of meeting was to motivate participants in future involvement. Main focus was to create a  comfortable atmosphere for participants, let them get to know each other and share their previous experiences, skills and topics they are interested in. Basic concept and information about Roma Youth Voices project was introduced, together with Association of Young Roma activities. Some of the participants showed comparably more experience and have helped others with contribution during learning sessions. Within the group, Romani language was used for better explanation of tasks during the activities for 3 youngsters. There have also been additional participants from the local settlements near the meeting – interested youngsters stopped by for one or more workshops. 

Youngsters communicate online almost exclusively via Facebook. Group has exchanged contact information and followed the Association of Young Roma and the Roma Youth Voices on Facebook, to keep informed about the future involvement.