Seminar helps volunteers challenge stereotypes and antigypsyism

“Volunteerism to Challenge Stereotypes and Antigypsyism” took place in Budapest at the Phiren Amenca coordination office from 8-10 November, 2013.
The seminar “Volunteerism to Challenge Stereotypes and Antigypsyism” took place in Budapest at the Phiren Amenca coordination office from 8-10 November, 2013. Seven volunteers from Hungary and Ukraine participated.
This seminar encouraged the exchange of experiences from the volunteers´ service projects, as well as dialogue about Roma realities in their current or home countries. Francesco (Italy) and Annika (Netherlands) are volunteers in Ukraine teaching English to children from Roma communities. Sydney (USA) also teaches English in Ukraine in an orphanage with Roma children.
Participants learned about the culture, traditions and Romani language from Alexandra (Romania) and Judit (Hungary). They were impressed by the diversity of Roma culture and tradition. With the help of Clemence (France), Rebekah (Canada) and Esteban (Colombia), sometimes sensitive topics related to stereotypes, antigypsysm and migration issues were explored.
By attending this seminar, participants learned approaches to combating stereotypes and antigypsyism. The seminar introduced models about the construction of stereotypes and prejudices, as well as about social mechanisms in society, that make it difficult to break down the stereotypes. The volunteers also realized more of the importance of their work as volunteers in Roma communities.