Phiren Amenca

Terno Glaso – Roma fiatalok konfereciája Balassagyarmaton

The conference was held on June 11. 2021 in Balassagyarmat and involved participants from all over Nógrád county.

The purpose of the conference was to present methods and good practices in the work with Roma and Roma youth, including avaiable opportunities at the labor market for Roma, the difficulties and challenges of the Roma media, the barriers to the active participation of Roma youth in politics and public life and the tasks and possible roles of young people and decision-makers in countering antigypsyist political and public rhetoric.

The different topics and discussions were:

  • Co-operation and joint work between civil society organizations and decision-makers;
  • Training and employment opportunities especially for young Roma in Nógrád county;
  • Work of a patron: how to empower young Roma;
  • Roma media;
  • The work of RGDTS-Phiren Amenca, international opportunities and the results of its report “Roma Youth Participation in Europe: Challenges, needs and opportunities”.

The conference created a space for experts, civil society organizations, decision-makers and young Roma to exchange their work, thoughts, challenges and also successes.