Phiren Amenca

“Voluntary service is an amazing experience that I recommend to everyone.” – Maxime Massé

“Voluntary service is an amazing experience that I recommend to everyone.” – Maxime Massé

Voluntary Service in Uzhgorod – Ukraine

My name is Maxime. I’m 20 years old. I come from France and I am doing my voluntary service in Uzhgorod, Ukraine in a school for Roma children for 10 months. I did my higher education in management , nevertheless, I have always worked in the social field as well. This voluntary service gives me the opportunity to gain experience and to continue and develop my social studies.

During my voluntary service with TOUCH Foundation, I am working in a primary school. I am organising activities with children (manual activities, drawing, playing music). Sometimes I am also helping some teachers during their lessons. Besides my work I am also interested to work in an orphanage.

Voluntary service is a very interesting experience. This helps to be more opened towards to an other culture, get to know new people and another perspectives. In Uzhgorod met with very interesting people and we are teaching each other to our languages, I am teaching them French and the are teaching me Ukrainian.

Finally I would say “Voluntary service is an amazing experience that I recommend to everyone.”

maxim masse