14-18 September, Hungary
Center Amalipe, the Phiren Amenca International Network and RGDTS are organizing the second training under the YAG (Youth Against Antigypsyism) project dedicated to addressing intersectional discrimination among Roma youth: Roma LGBT and gender equality. The training will take place in Pécs, Hungary during the Pécs Pride on 14-18 September, 2022. We are inviting Roma and non-Roma young people to learn and share experience about their intersecting identities, challenges they face, and take part in the Pecs Pride march.
Young Roma suffer discrimination on a daily basis and have restricted access to political participation and decision-making processes. This is even more so in the case of Roma girls and LGBTQ+ people who experience intersectional discrimination and whose specific issues and needs are missing from policies.
As the leading European Roma Youth Network, Phiren Amenca and its partners fight conservative and patriarchal views outside and within Roma communities, focusing on issues of Roma women and Roma LGBTIQ people. Besides Roma youth empowerment in general, throughout our work and through this project we also ensure that intersectional and multiple discrimination is properly addressed in Roma (Youth) policies.
When we fight for increased Roma youth participation, it is necessary not only to make sure that all voices are heard and included, but that strong alliances are built with women’s and LGBTQ+ organizations for a better representation at all levels and structures.
To this end, under the Youth Against Antigypsyism – YAG Project, Amalipe, RGDTS and Phiren Amenca are organizing a training course addressing intersectional discrimination among Roma youth: Roma LGBT+ and gender equality between 14 and 18 September in Pécs, Hungary, during the Freedom of my Identity Human Rights Festival.
Date: between 14-18 September, 2022 (including travelling days)
Venue: Pecs, Hungary
Participants: EU citizens or people with EU residence permit between the age of 18 and 30
Deadline for application: 20 August, 2022
Apply HERE
All costs are covered by the organizers.
- to create a safe environment, where are free to express their own intersectional identities;
- to better understand the specifics of LGBTQ+groups, differences and similarities;
- to identify the key factors increasing sexism, homophobia and trans-phobia in Roma communities and find innovative tools to fight them;
- to identify the key factors increasing antigypsyism in women’s rights and LGBTQ+ groups and organisations and find innovative tools to fight them;
- to enable the participants to raise awareness about human rights, tolerance, European values, solidarity and equality regarding LGBTQ+ groups in their own communities.;
- to identify relevant policy areas and develop recommendations benefitting Roma girls and LGBTQ+ Roma.

The YAG project (project nr. 101049207) is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV) of the DG Justice, European Commission and coordinated by the Phiren Amenca International Network, Belgium in partnership with RGDTS, Hungary and Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance Amalipe, Bulgaria. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.