November 17-23, 2024 Budapest Does everyone receive the same treatment when they consult a doctor about reproductive and sexual health? Have you ever thought about the disadvantages and discrimination that Roma women and Roma LGBTQI+ people might face in terms
Do you speak Spanish?Are you between 18 and 30?Would you like to work with local youth communities? BE A VOLINTEER IN VALENCIA, SPAIN! Xeración is looking for two long-term volunteers (12 months) and one short-term volunteers (2months)! 12 months volunteering
“Let’s live Europe in Sarthe” is a collective ESC project in the region of Le Mans, in France, that involves 10 volunteers in different places of volunteering, with a common goal: to educate on Europe, cultural diversity, mobility, and help
A tréning célja: A résztvevők tudásának és kompetenciáinak fejlesztése a turizmus és vendéglátás, az álláskeresés és a pénzügyi tervezés területén, aminek köszönhetően a résztvevők növelni tudják sikeres elhelyezkedésüket a munkaerőpiacon. A tréning tartalma: A képzés a következő területeken kíván hozzájárulni
Racism, Noun: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. Oxford Language
This toolkit contains descriptions of activities developed for workshops and training events organized with civil society actors, local-level decision-makers and media workers within the two-year project entitled ‘CHAD: Countering Hate Speech and Hurtful Speech against Diversity: Roma, LGBTIQ, Jewish, and
This research, entitled the “Roma Youth Participation in Mainstream Youth Structures” sheds light on the current state of Roma participation in mainstream youth organizations. The research aimed to assess whether national youth councils involved Roma youth organizations or individuals among
2023. november 10-12 között tartottuk meg a második “Munkaerőpiaci felkészítő tréningünket”, amin 20 fő vett részt a Roma közösségek foglalkoztatási lehetőségeinek javítása a vendéglátóiparban elnevezésű programunk keretében. A képzést a Phiren Amenca Nemzetközi Hálózat és Minority Rights Group Europe szervezte
The Roma Youth Forum 2023, titled “So Keres, Europa?!” took place in Balatonkenese, Hungary, from August 22 to 28. The international gathering saw the participation of 120 young individuals hailing from 12 European nations. Mrs. Marietta Herfort, the Executive Director
October 17, 2023 – Online The international working group, formed in the frame of the CHAD project, had its seventh meeting on October 17th. The topic was the presence of hate speech against vulnerable groups in recent election campaigns in