A Visual Analysis [Scroll down For Dutch] English Phiren Amenca has published a comprehensive evaluation of the Dutch National Roma Strategic Framework (NRSF). This series of infographics summarizes the main findings, highlighting how the Netherlands’ approach of “no specific policy
A Visual Analysis [Scroll down For French and Flemish] English Phiren Amenca has published a comprehensive evaluation of Belgium’s National Strategic Framework for Roma Equality, Inclusion, and Participation (NRSF 2021-2030). This series of infographics summarizes the main findings, from critical
The Phiren Amenca coordination team is responsible for maintaining unity among the network members and in fulfilling our mission of combating antigypsyism through voluntary service and intercultural dialogue. A vital member of this team is the executive director, who oversees
Budapest, 17-23 November, 2024 “This exchange created a unique safe space where participants could openly discuss traditionally taboo topics, many for the first time in their lives. The resulting projects and recommendations demonstrate our commitment to creating lasting change in
Last year I graduated from university with a degree in political science. Presently, I feel uncertain about what career path I want to go down for my future, and whether it will have anything to do with my degree! Wherever
November 17-23, 2024 Budapest !DEADLINE EXTENDED: APPLY BY OCTOBER 10! Does everyone receive the same treatment when they consult a doctor about reproductive and sexual health? Have you ever thought about the disadvantages and discrimination that Roma women and Roma
Do you speak Spanish?Are you between 18 and 30?Would you like to work with local youth communities? BE A VOLINTEER IN VALENCIA, SPAIN! Xeración is looking for two long-term volunteers (12 months) and one short-term volunteers (2months)! 12 months volunteering
Május 31 és június 2 között tartottuk meg a harmadik, egyben záró “Munkaerőpiaci felkészítő tréningünket”, amin közel 30 fő vett részt a Roma közösségek foglalkoztatási lehetőségeinek javítása a vendéglátóiparban elnevezésű programunk keretében. A képzést a Phiren Amenca Nemzetközi Hálózat a
“Let’s live Europe in Sarthe” is a collective ESC project in the region of Le Mans, in France, that involves 10 volunteers in different places of volunteering, with a common goal: to educate on Europe, cultural diversity, mobility, and help
A tréning célja: A résztvevők tudásának és kompetenciáinak fejlesztése a turizmus és vendéglátás, az álláskeresés és a pénzügyi tervezés területén, aminek köszönhetően a résztvevők növelni tudják sikeres elhelyezkedésüket a munkaerőpiacon. A tréning tartalma: A képzés a következő területeken kíván hozzájárulni