Deadline: March 15, 2014 (apply as soon as possible*)[hr] Description Phiren Amenca opens a call for applications for young people to participate in a social voluntary service in various placements around Germany through the organization Evangelische Freiwilligendienste (Protestant voluntary services). The
[hr] Application Deadline Sunday, March 2, 2014 [hr] The John Stringham Prize gives recognition to initiatives of current and former volunteers that aim to develop active dialogue and engagement in society to strengthen trust, mutual understanding and respect between Roma and
Deadline February 28, 2014 [hr] Description CESPOM Center of Social Assistance to Youth opened a call for applications for young people to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Youth in Action program) project in Lučenec, Slovakia. The 12 months lasting
Cigány/roma fiatalok számára 6 hónapos programot szervezünk közéleti, közösségfejlesztői, pályázatírói tartalmakkal, képzésekkel, helyi munka mentori támogatásával, roma fiataloknak teret adó internetes felület kialakításával. Részt vennél? Alább a részletek! [hr] A háttér A Diagonál Magyarország Egyesület 2008 óta építi Trin Pasura
2014. Április 27. Vasárnap 19:00-2014. Április 29. Kedd 07:00 [hr] Részletek: 2014. április 27. vasárnap: Közvetlenül a budapesti Élet Menete emlékprogramot követően ( 19:00-kor van a találkozó a keleti pályaudvar Kerepesi út felőli parkolójánál. Többségében hálófülkés kocsikkal utazunk, de sajnos
Description Bauorden offers the opportunity to participate for eight weeks in different work camps and, this way, to get to know different faces of Germany. It includes involvement in social projects, getting to know different regions of Germany and working,
Call for Applications – Roma Rights and Citizenship Fellowship The Tom Lantos Institute is looking for a dedicated Roma fellow for its Roma Rights and Citizenship programme. The fellow will work under the supervision of the Programme Manager for Roma
[hr] Deadline Sunday January 19, 2014 [hr] [threecol_two] background of the activity Each spring and fall Phiren Amenca hosts in cooperation with member organizations a one week seminar for current volunteers and volunteer candidates from around Europe, focusing on the
Deadline January 20, 2014 [hr] Description The refugee home Romero House, located in Toronto, encourages young Roma and non-Roma to apply to its Internship Program. The program offers the participation on: a two-week orientation at the beginning of the internship;
Deadline December 22, 2013 [hr] Description Asociacion Mojo de caña opened a call for applications for young people to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Youth in Action program) project in Gran Canaria, Spain. The 11 months lasting project