Deadline Extended to June 5th, 2013[hr] Description VISA-AD currently opened a call for applications for young European Roma between 18 – 25 years to participate in a Voluntary Service (French Service Civique) project in France. The project offers diverse learning
Deadline 15.04.2013 [hr] Description Romà ONLUS currently opened a call for applications for young Roma between 18 and 30 years to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Youth in Action program) project in Rome. The project offers diverse learning and
Deadline 30.11.2012 [hr] Căutăm voluntari! Amaro Drom căută o persoană tânără , de etnie Roma , cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 şi 30 de ani, care doreşte să ia parte la proiectul Serviciul European de Voluntariat (finanţat de către UE,
Deadline 31.12.2012 [hr] OPEN CALL FOR YOUNG ROMA VOLUNTEERS! Volunteer in Italy 2013 – 2014 with CSD Diaconia Valdese! EVS opportunity for Young Roma in CSD Diaconia Valdese in Florence and Piedmont, Italy. The application deadline is 31.12.2012. CSD Diaconia