Phiren Amenca

Open Calls

Open Call for young European Roma: Voluntary Service in France – Deadline Extended

Deadline Extended to June 5th, 2013[hr] Description VISA-AD currently opened a call for applications for young European Roma between 18 – 25 years to participate in a Voluntary Service (French Service Civique) project in France. The project offers diverse learning

April 5, 2013

EVS opportunity for young Roma in Romà ONLUS in Rome, Italy

Deadline 15.04.2013 [hr] Description Romà ONLUS currently opened a call for applications for young Roma between 18 and 30 years to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Youth in Action program) project in Rome. The project offers diverse learning and

March 28, 2013

Open Call! Căutăm voluntari! Amaro Drom, Berlin, 2013! [RO] [EN]

Deadline 30.11.2012 [hr] Căutăm voluntari! Amaro Drom căută o persoană tânără , de etnie Roma , cu vârsta cuprinsă între 18 şi 30 de ani, care doreşte să ia parte la proiectul Serviciul European de Voluntariat (finanţat de către UE,

November 22, 2012

EVS Opportunity for Young Roma in CSD Diaconia Valdese in Florence and Piedmont, Italy

Deadline 31.12.2012 [hr] OPEN CALL FOR YOUNG ROMA VOLUNTEERS! Volunteer in Italy 2013 – 2014 with CSD Diaconia Valdese! EVS opportunity for Young Roma in CSD Diaconia Valdese in Florence and Piedmont, Italy. The application deadline is 31.12.2012. CSD Diaconia

November 12, 2012