Phiren Amenca

Open Calls

EVS opportunity for Young Roma in City Station, Germany

Deadline July 31, 2014 [hr] Description Amaro Drom e.V. and City Station currently opened a call for applications for young people to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Erasmus+ program) project in Berlin. The 12 months lasting project offers

July 13, 2014

EVS opportunity for Young Roma from EU countries in Roma Büro Freiburg, Germany

Deadline August 15, 2014 [hr] Description Amaro Drom e.V. and Roma Büro Freiburg currently opened a call for applications for young people to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Erasmus+ program) project in Freiburg. The 12 months lasting project offers diverse learning

Open Call for Participants: Volunteering for Remembrance 2014

[hr] Remember the past, act in the present, and change the future!  Come and join the Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative! [hr] Marking the 70th anniversary of the remembrance day of the Roma Genocide on August 2, we gather 1.000 young

June 11, 2014

Jelentkezés – Nemzetközi Roma Holokauszt Megemlékezés

2014. július 28.- augusztus 4. Emlékezz a múltra, cselekedj a jelenben, és változtasd meg a jövőt! Vegyél részt te is a Nemzetközi Roma Holokauszt Megemlékezésen! A világ különböző pontjairól érkező 1000 roma és nem roma fiatal találkozik augusztus 2-án a

June 10, 2014

MANUSHENGI KRISI – Hazai emberi jogi képzés roma fiatalokkal

“Phiren Amenca”: roma és nem roma önkéntesek, illetve önkéntes szervezetek hálózata vagyunk, akik elkötelezettek a rasszizmus és az  előítéletek leküzdése mellett. [hr] MANUSHENGI KRISI – Hazai emberi jogi képzés roma fiatalokkal A képzés célja: Fiatal roma és nem roma képzők, multiplikátorok,

May 7, 2014

EVS opportunity for Young Roma from Romania in the Documentation Centre of German Sinti and Roma

Deadline June 16, 2014 [hr] Description Amaro Drom e.V. and the Documentation Centre of German Sinti and Roma currently opened a call for applications for young people to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Youth in Action program) project

May 6, 2014

Remembering the Roma Genocide – National Training Course in Holocaust Education

Application Deadline May 7, 2014 [hr] [hr] Aim of the training Raising awareness on the possibilities of non formal education about the Roma genocide as well as the capacity-building of Roma and non-Roma youth leaders and multipliers in their work

April 30, 2014

EVS opportunity for young people in Amaro Drom e.V., Berlin, Germany

Deadline Extended to March 31, 2014 [hr] Description Amaro Drom e.V. currently opened a call for applications for young people to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Youth in Action program) project in Berlin. The 12 months lasting project

March 9, 2014

Open Call for young European Roma: Voluntary Service in France

Deadline Extended to March 31, 2014 [hr] Description Volunteer for 10 months in 2014-2015 with VISA-Ad! VISA-AD currently opened a call for applications for young European Roma between 18 – 25 years to participate in a Voluntary Service (French Service Civique)

EVS Opportunity for Young Roma in CSD Diaconia Valdese in Florence and Piedmont, Italy

Deadline Extended to March 31, 2014 [hr] Description CSD Diaconia Valdese opened a call for applications for young Roma between 18 and 30 years to participate in a European Voluntary Service (EU Erasmus+ program) project in Florence and Piedmont, Italy.