Phiren Amenca

CHAD-Countering Hate Speech and Hurtful Speech against Diversity: Roma, LGBTIQ, Jewish and Migrant Communities

International Working Group – Fifth Meeting – Regulating and Countering Hate speech

May 23, 2023 – Online The international working group, formed in the frame of the CHAD project, had its fifth meeting on 23 May 2023. The meeting aimed to address the possible levels and forms of hate speech regulations and

July 7, 2023

International Working Group – Fourth Meeting – Hate Speech in Pland, Serbia and Bulgaria

March 29, 2023 – Online The international working group, formed in the frame of the CHAD project, had its fourth meeting on 29.03.2023. The meeting aimed to provide an overview for the project participants regarding hate speech in Poland, Serbia,

June 7, 2023

Monitorozás eredménye

A projekt első szakaszában, 2022 augusztusa és 2023 februárja között a roma, LMBTQ+, zsidó, migráns és muszlim közösségeket érintő, online megjelenő gyűlöletbeszédet és bántó beszédet monitoroztuk. Létrehoztunk egy szinte teljesen automatizált rendszert, amely alkalmas kulcsszavak alapján a nagy valószínűséggel gyűlöletbeszédet

May 27, 2023

Monitoring results

In the first phase of the project, between August 2022 and February 2023, we monitored hate speech and hurtful speech appearing online, affecting the Roma, LGBTQ+, Jewish, migrant and Muslim communities. We have created an almost completely automated system which

International Working Group – Third Meeting – Hate speech in Hungary, Austria and Italy

February 23, 2023 – Online The international working group, formed in the frame of the CHAD project, had its third meeting on 23 February 2023. The meeting aimed to gain an overview of the state and scale of hate speech

March 1, 2023

Project Coordination Meeting I.

February 6 2023, Budapest On the 6th of February, the first project coordination meeting was held in the office of RGDTS in Budapest to summarize and evaluate the progress made within the CHAD project in its first 10 months. Coordinators

February 15, 2023

International Working Group – Second Meeting: Hate speech monitoring practices

December 14, 2022. Online The international working group, formed in the frame of the CHAD project, had its second meeting on 14 December 2022. The meeting aimed to gain an overview of monitoring hate speech online by getting to know

December 19, 2022

Communication Strategy Meeting

November 3. 2022, Budapest Participants:Budapest Pride: Diószegi Judit, Radványi VikiPolitical Capital: Kelen Zsuzsi, Hunyadi BulcsúRGDTS: Daróczi AnnaHaver: Dés Julcsi, Kolozs Andrea The meeting started with a welcome, the outlining of the schedule and a short round of participants’ motivations to

November 16, 2022

Team building and cross-sensitizing weekend

(Hungarian below) The “CHAD: Countering Hate Speech and Hurtful Speech against Diversity: Roma, LGBTIQ, Jewish and Migrant Communities” is a two-year project launched and carried out by RGDTS Nonprofit Llc., Budapest Pride, Haver Jewish Informal Education Foundation and Political Capital

October 15, 2022

International Working Group – First Meeting

September 28, 2022. Online The international working group was formed in the frame of the CHAD (Countering Hate Speech and Hurtful Speech against Diversity: Roma, LGBTIQ, Jewish and Migrant Communities) project. The CHAD project aims to address intolerance, racism, xenophobia,

September 30, 2022