Phiren Amenca


“Training Architects” – Training for Trainers in Trieste

In February 2017, our partner organization Youth of European Nationalities, hosted their 2017 kick-off event, “Training Architects”, a training for trainiers in Trieste, Italy.  The seminar is a part of a project with the theme of “Building Bridges” between youngsters

April 21, 2017

2017 EVS Mid-term Evaluation Meeting

On 21-24 March 2017 in Visegrád, Hungary, our EVS volunteer Livia participated in an EVS mid-term evaluation meeting. Here, she shares her experiences: Hello everybody! I am Livia, the Italian volunteer for Phiren Amenca, and I would like to share

April 13, 2017

International Roma Day at a Budapest Secondary School

International Roma Day, is celebrated every year on April 8th.  It is a day to recognize and celebrate cultural diversity while raising international awareness to all of the challenges which Roma face in today’s society. During my time here, in

April 10, 2017

Ki a „Mumus” Európában? A cigányellenesség leküzdése nem formális képzés útján – Letölthető módszertani eszköztár

A módszertani eszköztár ingyenesen letölthető itt: Ki a „Mumus” Európában – A cigányellenesség leküzdése nem formális képzés útján Nyomtatott változatért írj nekünk: [email protected] A módszertani eszköztár jelentés a Phiren Amenca szemináriumáról, amely az Európa Tanács Budapesti Európai Ifjúsági Központjával együttműködésben került

March 14, 2017

LEADNFL project: building on research on early school leaving

Since mid-2016, Phiren Amenca has been cooperating with partners EgyüttHató Egyesület / Association Co-Efficient (Hungary) and Nevo Parudimos (Romania) on the project “Learned Inactivity – Decreasing the Number of ESL Students in Disadvantaged Communities with the Power of Non-Formal Learning”

March 10, 2017

Second action happened in our Mashkar Kehilot Project!

        Our aim of this project is to support participants in realizing local actions against antigypsyism and antisemitism as well as to encourage cooperation between different communities. In this action, participants from Pécs hold a workshop about the

March 7, 2017


DIKH HE NA BISTER – Roma Genocide Remembrance Initiative 2017 Heidelberg (Germany), April 9 – 15, 2017 Krakow/Auschwitz (Poland), July 29 – August 4, 2017 Follow the link below:

March 6, 2017

Joint statement: International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Today on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Phiren Amenca joins anti-racism organisations across Europe in urging European governments to make Antisemitism, Antigypsyism and all forms of racism a priority, in a context of increasing hate speech and security threats against minorities.

January 27, 2017

Barcelona Cirkusz Projekt – 2017. jan. 9-16.

MEGÉRKEZÉS A mi csapatunk kissé fáradtan indult neki ennek az útnak, de már hajnalban a taxiban dobáltuk a poénokat, nem volt kérdéses, hogy a hangulat az elkövetkező héten jó lesz-e. Az első nap a megérkezésről, a hely csodálatáról, pihenésről szólt, valamint

January 25, 2017

Social Circus Exchange – Barcelona, 9-16 January 2017

…balance, happiness, trusting, fears, limits, curiosity… and I could continue the list… The list of words what came to my mind connected to the Social Circus International Program organised by Kali Zor in Barcelona between 9-16th of January, 2017. Participants

January 17, 2017