Phiren Amenca


Being a volunteer in France

A year full of surprises– Liza’s experiences I think the best part of being a  volunteer is that you can never know what’s going to happen. Long story short: in this 9 months in France I was traveling a lot,

June 15, 2023

Gyereknap a Budaörsi Tanodában

Az RGDTS-Phiren Amenca a Budaörsi Tanodával közösen gyereknapot szervezett június 10-én a budaörsi közösségi házban. Támogatónk: Az eseményen több mint 100-an vettek részt, amely nyilvános volt, bárki csatlakozhatott. Budaörsről egy délutánra összejött a közösség. Rajzversenyt szerveztünk a gyerekeknek, volt zenés

June 14, 2023

International Working Group – Fourth Meeting – Hate Speech in Pland, Serbia and Bulgaria

March 29, 2023 – Online The international working group, formed in the frame of the CHAD project, had its fourth meeting on 29.03.2023. The meeting aimed to provide an overview for the project participants regarding hate speech in Poland, Serbia,

June 7, 2023

Felhívás munkaerő-piaci felkészítő tréningre

A tréning célja: A résztvevők tudásának és kompetenciáinak fejlesztése a turizmus és vendéglátás, az álláskeresés és a pénzügyi tervezés területén, aminek köszönhetően a résztvevők növelni tudják sikeres elhelyezkedésüket a munkaerőpiacon. A tréning tartalma: A képzés a következő területeken kíván hozzájárulni

June 6, 2023


OPEN CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS SO KERES, EUROPA?! – ROMA YOUTH SOCIAL FORUM 2023 WHERE: Balatonkenese, Hungary (student hotel) WHEN: between August 23 and 28, 2023. (August 23 and 28 are travel dates)Phiren Amenca will bring together 120 young Roma and

June 5, 2023

EU Roma Week 2023 in the European Parliament

The goal of Roma Week 2023 was to build upon the achievements of previous editions and the broader efforts towards Roma equality, inclusion, and participation. This included acknowledging the European Parliament Resolution on the situation of Roma people in EU

May 10, 2023

CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS – Fill out the questionnaires about Roma youth participation in mainstream youth structures

Youth structures are considered key partners to be consulted on issues related to youth policies by European and national authorities and have the legitimate authority to formulate opinions and recommendations on youth issues. This research aims to uncover the key

May 3, 2023

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS: European Youth Event – EYE 2023

Strasbourg, 8-11 June 2023 The European Youth Event (EYE) is happening on 9 and 10 June 2023 in Strasbourg, France! The EYE 2023 is expected to bring together around ten thousand young people from all over Europe to take part

April 18, 2023

Training on Roma history, language and culture

(Scroll down for Bulgarian) Training on Roma history, language and culture (combating antigypsyism) under the Youth Against Antigypsyism Project took place between 31 March and 4 April 2023 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The training is part of a series of trainings

April 6, 2023

Our Stories of Resistance – Project closing event

The My Story of Resistance- From exclusion to active particiation was an Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity building project for youth, running between 2021 and 2022.It involved the exchange of 7 long-term volunteers between Hungary, India, Italy, Nicaragua and Spain, a youth

March 10, 2023