This event is supported by: Call for participants: Seminar: “Newbees Meeting” BERLIN, Germany 4th -8th December 2015 The Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) is looking for participants for the Seminar Newbees Meeting. This call is for young
Roma ellenállás a holokauszt alatt és az azt követő időszakban – Képzés roma fiatalok számára 2015-11-27 – 2015-11-29 A Tom Lantos Intézet és a Phiren Amenca 2015. november 27 és 29. között két és fél napos, magyar nyelvű képzést szervez Budapesten Roma ellenállás a holokauszt
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS MEETING OF THE EXTREMOPHILES1 Intersectionality and Alliance in Voluntary Service ABOUT PHIREN AMENCA Phiren Amenca is a network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers and voluntary service organizations creating opportunities for non-formal education, dialogue and engagement, in order
PHIREN AMENCA STUDY SESSION ON YOUTH TRANSITION THROUGH VOLUNTARY SERVICE October 4 to 10, 2015 (including travel days) European Youth Centre Budapest OUTLINE & CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ABOUT PHIREN AMENCA Phiren Amenca is a network of Roma and
A Phiren Amenca Nemzetközi Hálózat megemlékezést szervez augusztus 2-án, a Roma Holokauszt Emléknapján a komáromi Csillagerődben, ahova több ezer magyar romát hurcoltak a holokauszt során. Budapestről indul egy 60 fős busz, ahova július 24-ig várjuk a jelentkezéseket. A buszra
Volunteer for 12 months in 2015-2016 (starting October 2015) with AYR DEADLINE: 20 September, 2015. Applicant countries: Hungary, Romania, Italy Association of Young Roma and Phiren Amenca opened a call for applications for young Roma between 18 and 30 years to
Volunteer for 12 months in 2016-2017 (starting October 2016) with FAGIC DEADLINE: May 30, 2016. Number of volunteers: 2 Applicant country: Italy, Romania Phiren Amenca and FAGIC currently opened a call for applications for young people between 18
Volunteer for 12 months in 2015-2016 (starting September 2015) with ERGO DEADLINE: June 30, 2015 Number of volunteers: 1 Phiren Amenca and ERGO currently opened a call for applications for young people between 18 and 30 years to participate
Application deadline: May 15, 2015 Participants are invited to apply to take part in an international seminar that will take place in Paris on June 26-28 on the subject of “A Europe of Diasporas”. Together with young Armenian, Jewish and Roma
This training-course for Roma youth organizations takes place on May 26 until May 30 in Slovenia. Youth In Action programme has been supporting Roma participation in the programme since 2012. In 2015 Slovenian and and Hungarian National agencies are organizing