Phiren Amenca participated in the first international symposium “The Role of State Institutions in Overcoming Anti-Gypsyism in Europe – Potentials in Civiv Education and Awareness-Rising” which was held on December 1, 2015 in the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin and
RAISE YOUR VOICE FOR ROMA – INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR AND EUROPEAN YOUTH EVENT 2016 (#EYE2016) OUTLINE & CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ABOUT PHIREN AMENCA Phiren Amenca is a network of Roma and non-Roma volunteers and voluntary service organizations creating opportunities for
Generation of Change with exclamation mark! Under the topic “Generation of Change? – How to achieve equal opportunities for young Roma, starting now!” the ERGO Network brought together decision makers from the European level and Roma (youth) activists and organizations
Phiren Amenca meets EDYN in London From November 3 to 7, 2015, the Annual Meeting of the EDYN Network was hosted by its British member organization Time for God in London. Phiren Amenca and EDYN are not just connected by
Acting for Roma Genocide Remembrance – German-Hungarian Youth Exchange in Berlin, 18-25 October 2015 Phiren Amenca in cooperation with International Bauorden Germany and Documentation and Cultural Center of German Sinti and Roma gathered 30 young Roma and non-Roma from
“Meeting of the eXtremophiles” – A Seminar on Intersectionality and Alliances in Youth Activism In Biology an eXtremophile is a creature that lives under impossible circumstances. For us an eXtremophile is a person who is facing different forms of discriminations and
Conference: “United in Diversity”: Educating Europe’s Diasporas, The Bulgarian Experience Sofia 15/01/2016 EDUCATION PROJECT CONFERENCE If Europe’s diversity is its wealth, it is also a major challenge. This conference organised in frames of“Education and Empowerment” Seminar in Sofia focuses on education
“Voluntary service is an amazing experience that I recommend to everyone.” – Maxime Massé Voluntary Service in Uzhgorod – Ukraine My name is Maxime. I’m 20 years old. I come from France and I am doing my voluntary service in
On 27 November, we are co-organising a roundtable discussion on The Role of Remembrance in Creating Dialogue and Reconciliation between Roma and majority society in Hungary. Find details about the event here. This event takes place in the framework of
Kali Zor Sport and Culture Youth Meeting – Sport Ifjúsági Találkozó Barcelonában Phiren Amenca részt vett a Kali Zor által szervezett ifjúsági programon, 2015. október 23. és 31. között, a Barcelona külvárosában található San Roc negyedben, ahol 50 Európa különböző