More than 20 young Roma and non-Roma took part in the “Tackling hate speech offline and online” held at the Opportunity Youth Center in Valaska, Slovakia. The training aimed at raising the capacity of young people in recognizing and reporting
Report of the first Local Meeting in Italy Article written By Jeba Jyothi My First Local meeting was held on 24th July, 2022 at the Il Passo Social Point in Torino. It is a social centre where there is high
The lives of Roma, Dalit, Tribal and Adviasi Youth Article written by Binu Bill Bright In many places around the world, the access of young people with difficult backgrounds and from minority communities to participate in democratic life is very
26-30 June, Slovakia The Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance Amalipe (Bulgaria) in partnership with Phiren Amenca International Network and RGDTS (Hungary) is organizing a training course for young Roma and non-Roma activists on “Tackling hate speech online and offline”.
The Roma Youth Dialogue took place at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium between 15 and 18 May, 2022. The event took place in the framework of the EU Roma Week 2022 and it brought together around 40 young Roma
Article written by Zsuzsa from Hungary volunteering at the Student Christian Movement on India in Bangalore, summarizing her experiences and opinion. In India many new dimensions opened up in front of me. Without question it is a new world, different
The first of the series of seminars dedicated to the Roma Holocaust took place in the International Youth Meeting Center in the town of Oświęcim, Poland between 11 and 16 April 2022. More than 40 young people participated in the
Brussels, May 15-18, 2022 (including travel dates) EU ROMA WEEK IN THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENTDuring the EU Roma Week (16-19 May, 2022) in the European Parliament various activities/conferences take place that are hosted by Members of the European Parliament, the European
The first in-person meeting of the Belgian organizations – members of Roma Civil Monitor, took place on April 1, 2022 on the premises of Mundo B, in Brussels. The meeting was organised by the Phiren Amenca International Network as a
A seminar between the end of April (online) to the beginning of May (Budapest) We believe in the strength of young voices. In us shaping Europe’s future and being on the forefront of gender equality movements. The Wo-Min seminar is